
herbs for catering - jar of rubbed mint

A History of Herbs and Spices and Their Uses

Herbs and Spices have been used for thousands of years in both medicinal and culinary ventures across the globe. Even today, they are an essential part of our daily lives, whether it be in the food we eat or the products we use, we rely on them more than we know.

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An image of a plant to represent Earth Day and the importance of World of Spice helping the hospitality industry to be more sustainable,

Earth Day: World of Spice Discuss Greener Hospitality

Earth Day is fast approaching! It’s more important than ever before that we’re collectively doing all we can to adapt to a more sustainable way of living and work consistently to reverse the damage done to our environment. With this in mind, World of Spice are focusing this week’s edition on preserving our world and the simple yet mighty changes you can implement within your restaurant to become more eco-friendly.

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